BE HAPPY & Keep others happy.
All the writings here given, are written in my personal (Fully Personal) view. According to you it may be correct or may not be. It is an humble request to all of my dear friends to give your comments.
Copyright Free - You can use any of the data as you wish. There is no compulsion of credit too. My only request is to please don't use these data for unethical, destructive and inhuman way.
सभी को इस नए बिहार की बधाई । शुभकामनाएं सभी को नीतीश 4.0 की 🎉 ।
उम्मीद की सुशासन बाबू की नयी सरकार बिहार को और आगे बढ़ाने के लिए काम करेगी ।
उम्मीद है कि सरकार इस कड़ी टक्कर को ध्यान रखेगी , उसे ध्यान रहेगा की 500 और 1000 से भी कम मतों के अंतर से जीत और हुई है ।
उम्मीद है कि पार्टी जनता की समस्याओं के बारे में जान पाई होगी ।
उम्मीद है कि सरकार याद रखेगी की उनके कुछ विधायक जी खदेड़े गए थे । उम्मीद है कि नीतीश 4.0 वाली यह सरकार सड़क और बिजली जैसे मूलभूत सुविधाओं से आगे के लिए काम कर सकेगी ।
नीतीश और भाजपा गठबंधन वाली सरकार से भी ज्यादा राजद और तेजस्वी से उम्मीद की वो एक मजबूत विपक्ष की भूमिका निभाएगी ।
उम्मीद है बिहार के उन सभी निवासियों से जो बिहार सरकार में कर्मचारी हैं , अपने कुर्सी और अपने कार्यालय को भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त कर वे इस नए बिहार में अपनी योगदान सुनिश्चित करेंगे । "चलता है" और "सब करता है तो मेरे नहीं करने से क्या हो जाएगा" वाले attitude से बाहर आ पाएंगे ।
उम्मीद कि मैं जो बिहार के बाहर हूं , अपने यथाशक्ति में अपने समाज को कुछ वापस दे सकूंगा ।
Five days of lockdown on mobile phone / social sites and hands-on experience with a life-essential skill of electric wiring. From scratch of designing to the execution of electric wiring of a new home.
These five days were gone amazing with approx fourteen hours of work per day which included twelve nos. of board creation, wiring of these boards, 400 feet of the casing, and wiring.
This journey was also important as it involved the empowerment of a teenager with the skill of basic wiring, the experiential concept of the switch/fuse in a circuit, board connection, handling a drill machine, selection of appropriate drill-bit, and other fixtures.
It was a really fun and adventurous journey of making hand dirty with this experiential life learning skill. I can't share my feelings of joy of the last day when all get set and the switch made to ON and ...... wooow 🌟बल्ब जल गयी 💡 💃
भारत रत्न स्व अटल बिहारी वाजपेई जी के द्वितीय पुण्यतिथि पर नमन 🌼
ये वो राजनेता थे जिन्होंने राजनीति के प्रति मुझे (हमारी पीढ़ी कहना गलत नहीं होना चाहिए ! ) संवेदनशील बनाया । 14-15 साल के लड़के की अख़बार के पहले पन्ने में दिलचस्पी जगाई । एक ठहराव के साथ भाषण की अपनी खास हस्ताक्षरित शैली ने एक दीवानगी पैदा की थी । पोखरण परमाणु परीक्षण, कारगिल विजय जैसे इवेंट्स ने सिर्फ राजनीति ही नहीं देश के प्रति भी संवेदनशील बनाया । एक राजनेता जो विपक्ष नहीं प्रतिपक्ष चाहते थे ।
इस महान राजनेता, युगपुरुष को एक बार फिर से नमन 🙏
एक नहीं दो नहीं करो बीसों समझौते,
पर स्वतन्त्र भारत का निश्चय नहीं रुकेगा ।
सरकारें आएंगी जाएंगी, पार्टियां बनेंगी, बिगड़ेंगी
मगर ये देश रहना चाहिए, इस देश का लोकतंत्र अमर रहना चाहिए ..........
Feeling hopeful of change in education system by introduction of नई राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 ( New National Education Policy 2020 )
A lot of good thing has been introduced and idealized. 👍
📌 Learning in mother-tongue/ local language -- at least up to class 5th. Personally I felt this is a very good step. Due to English medium teaching, students just get lost in translation. They struggle more with English than Science in the subject of science, they struggle more with English than Social science in the subject of Social science.
And then proposal of teaching Science/Math in bilingual way after 6th.
I know various people in my personal space who were Hindi medium students and are doing better in their field.
And various successful people can be found in society - IPS Gupteshwar Pandey sir, H.C. Verma sir, Manoj Bajpayee, Rajpal Yadav (sources - google).
Personally I feel that parents & society has to come over this stigma of English and help to implement this in their nearby school (especially in tier-II and below cities where students have no home or society based environment of English speaking )
But at the same time, the strict implementation may create problem in cosmopolitan cultured society where diverse group of people are living.Dr. Sankrant Sanu should be listened
📌 curriculum structure of 5 +3 + 3 + 4 years (starting from pre-primary stage of 3 years) from current structure of 10+2+3 years.
📌 No hard separation between curricular / co-curricular /extra curricular (students can take math with music as subject )... hope this will help to weaken the stigma of science & math
📌Inclusion of local level internship for vocational learning - Internship with local gardener, carpenter, artisans ... - some of the organization like SECMOL, Navonmesh Prasar Foundationhave already integrated skill based learning with main stream education. Hope this will also help to remove the social stigma of certain work as a low level. Hope this will create sensation about importance of labour (श्रम) and hence will develop a generation which understand that paying a penny on flour means paying for all the labour & money involved in ploughing field, seeding, weeding, plantation, harvesting, husking, storing grains, transportation, processing of making flour, packaging etc.
📌Digital learning, ICT enabled learning, coding from grade 6th onwards.
📌Board exams can be made easier, it may be changed to semester/modular based.
📌Assessment card will also include self assessment & peer assessment ... woow ... 🤗 Feeling fancy
📌Also discussed about imparting traditional Indian values, basic human values, teaching empathy, honesty, tolerance, plagiarism.... But personally I felt that still it is not on priority of same level in the policy as other things...... let us see how coming education framework incorporate these basic and must have quality. Some organisation like #JeevanVidya is already doing commendable work on human values in higher technical education. #HappinessCurriculum of Delhi is also doing better in school education. Apart from school education.
📌 Multiple exit system in higher education is really gonna great move. Now students can switch their courses in between with better understanding and have no loss of year. If one wants to go to music after two years of engineering , he will receive diploma in engineering and can quit. It will give strength to students to try their passion. Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology is already providing this facility. Flexible course structure and transferable credit system will also be a good move.
And in the last the legendary one, मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय is now Human will be no more "resources", human will be just human; much above the resources ...
उम्मीद है कि हम 12-15 साल की शिक्षा के बाद मशीन के लिए मानव तैयार करना या मशीनी मानव तैयार करना बन्द कर पाएँगे ।
A lot of good hope... 😍
Good luck to all 👍
कुछ प्रश्न (डर) भी हैं - पढ़ाई काफ़ी मंहगी ना हो जाए ! , मौजूदा सरकारी व्यवस्था को ठीक करने के बजाए ख़राब बोलकर बंद ना कर दिया जाए ! , क्या ये नयी पालिसी कोचिंग / ट्यूशन की संस्कृति को मद्धम भी कर पायेगी ? क्या जीडीपी का 6 प्रतिशत का खर्च अगले बजट में मिल जाएगा ?
बस एक अंतिम उम्मीद है की ये सिर्फ पालिसी ना रह जाए और जमीन पर इसी आदर्श-वादिता के साथ लागू किया जा सके |
If you are interested to read, can read interesting summary here
श्रावण माह - "शिव" होने का माह - संहारक खुद की बुराइयों का । "स्वयम्भू " होने का माह - अपने "विचार" अपने हो जाएं ; विचार जो परतन्त्रता में है - पड़ोसी के , TV के, मीडिया के, advertisment के । विष पीने का माह - विष जो मेरे भीतर है - मेरे क्रोध का, अंहकार का , लोभ का, ईर्ष्या और द्वेष का । #HappyShrawan