Sunday, September 4, 2011

प्रणाम to पापा और मम्मी on Teacher's Day

गुरु  ब्रह्म गुरु विष्णु  गुरु देवो महेस्वर : ||
गुरु साक्षात्  परम् ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमह:||

Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheswara,
Guru Sakshat Param Brahma Tasmai Sri Guruve Namaha

Meaning: - To that teacher that is creation, to that teacher that is this very life, To that teacher that is all challenge and transformation, to that teacher within each of us, To that teacher beyond all things – formless and divine, I bow down and offer my life and efforts.

On this holy day I first of all dedicate this day to my Father &  Mother who are the first teacher of my life ......
Today what i am is only due to them........
Parents are the always first teacher of the life, who teaches us how to behave with a school teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who teaches to stand on the feet  ,to eat , to talk , and everything what we needed ......................They learnt us to live in this world.......


  1. Deepak ke jalte pran diwali tabhi suhawan hoti hai ,
    roshani jagat ko dena ko apni asthiya jalata chal

  2. @ ravi rajput Nice said man.....
