Friday, September 24, 2010


    Today, since sun rising i was busy in choosing the correct dress  for three hours because it was the day, on which i was going for the first personal interview of my life.Today  INDIAN ARMY  had come to my college to recruit pre-final and final year student.

  I reached the college by 9.25 A.M.without taking breakfast.I was so nervous.I was in complete formal with white full shirt and brown full pant with black shoe(which was not mine actually).We,all the students were addressed by army team .The team was of one Lieutenant Colonel and one Captain.This session was very interesting and exciting.I came to know about many untouched facts of  INDIAN ARMY. Indian Army provides one of the best job opportunities www. I think it is the best place for an Indian Engineer to serve the country by using his young technical and innovative mind.
  Two groups of final year and pre-final year were made for personal interview.Final year students was interviewed by the Lieutenant Colonel. I was very nervous .I was called as fifth or sixth candidate.I was asked to say my educational background,family background and my achievements. It was just opposite of what i was thinking before.Environment was very friendly and there was nothing to worry.
It is one month for declaration of the result, but whatever it may be, i am very happy from my first interview.
I learned that one should be confident, bold and honest ,and that much is over for a PI.

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