Friday, January 21, 2011


PRASHANT  KUMAR -------   IN A PARTY  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....... ...!!!!!!!!!!!!(I am unable to decide the quantity of exclamation)

You will  be shocked to see this image .

I know you have never thought that the PRASHANT can be  in a place other than class and college. But this is the reality , Prashant - not in the college...............

But see  him in the garden  with  friends ...............

Enjoying the friends.................

Enjoying the dinner....................

Enjoying the moment......................

Saturday, January 1, 2011

07_स्वागतम --------------------- २०११

सभी को नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएं ||   

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL .....................

Taste the different flavors of HAPPY NEW YEAR and select whichever you like.......( I will don't  mind if you select everyone --- आदत से मजबूर हो , I am not watching you overall ).
I have no more time , i am going tata bye-bye . Again all the best for complete year .