Monday, August 16, 2010


        Today is a great day for all INDIANS. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY once again.
        It was the today morning when my all friends came to the BHALKI after enjoying their semester break of one month.I am very happy because now i am not alone in this new place.Expulsion from the hostel and the KHANDRE's views was the hot topic of discussion which was continued for the whole day.We didn't attended the Flag-hosting program also.I think it is not good to not to attend but simultaneously i also want to say that the it is humiliation of the Indian flag  in the hand of such a person.

     Now i want to continue on yesterday.
We had gone to the chairman for some problem which we were facing in the hostel. Apart from making the things correct,he proved us wrong and not ordered to not to issue the hostel to us. It is nothing but dictatorship.He is ruling the college ,as he wish,without following any rule and regulation. He is doing, what he wants,whether he is correct or wrong?
I am putting the things in favour of my thinking about him--
    1)we had complaint for the response-time (which is infinite in practical),which the college-authority takes to come over a problem ,we had complaint for poor water supply up to continuous two week.
    2) we were asked  for  increase in hostel-fees regarding wi-fi facility in previous year,but even after the end    of one complete year it was not. We had just asked to return our money whatever we had paid for that ,but his reply was that "we have no right to ask about the money , what we paid ".
   3)The last date of payment of tuition fees is the first day of the college after semester-break and after that day we have to fine in hundreds and not only upto this,after a week the fine will be in thousands.There are not any rule regarding this,they(college) will fine ,whatever they want.The complete thing is like a business only. Think up to which extent this is correct!!!!!!!!!!!!
4)We are forced to maintain our attendance up to 85% ,which is rule of the university (according to college, and it is obviously correct also);But please ask to college, that to keep the B.E. teachers as faculty, is the rule of which?????!!!!!!!! In the college having intake of approximately 500 per year (means a strength of two thousands in four year),approximately FIVE faculties are PhD . Even not all the H ODs are PhD.  Maximum of the faculties are B.E./B.Tech for teaching the B.E. students(What an strange).Score of a student in the university exam is inversely proportional to the number of class attended .

Joke of the Day-- "The GATE score of the teachers is less than many of the students"
(It is the fact of the college)

We all are now happy that we are not in the hostel.We can concentrate more on the studies because now we have not to think about the wi-fi for which we have to paid.
I heard that juniors are warned to not to complaint even if electricity is not in the hostel ,water supply is poor or not or any type of problem.they have to close their mouth even they are paying for these things only...

Ok it is my sleeping time ,so bye............
good night

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today, i went to TULJAPUR (MAAN TULJA BHAVANI MANDIR ) ,in MAHARASTRA (INDIA) in the early morning.It is one of the four Shakti Peethas of Maharashtra where mother Goddess, Shakti is worshipped. The temple is located on a hill known as Yamunachala, on the slopes of the Sahayadri range in Maharashtra. It was very beautiful site. We were about ten in groups along with my girlfriend. Thanks to her especially, for vision of such a religious place because my journey was possible only due to her . After darshan we went to a nearby fort , it is  very much special for panimahal & waterfall. The natural beauty is unmatched.
We returned to our hostel at about 6'o clock in evening.
No-no sorry , i have no right to say the REC HOSTEL as "my hostel" because i m not the hosteler of this hostel now. It is not because i don't  like it, but it is because the CHAIRMAN of the college don't want the one who like it(hostel or college).I,with my some friends gone to chairman for some genuine problem but.....................continue on the next days
OK its my sleeping time , I'm going to bed now.

Friday, August 13, 2010

First one

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